Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Green on the Airwaves

When I'm not out and about fighting the "green fight", I'm a couch potato watching and listening to some of the following quality green programming:

PLANET GREEN (channel 286) has:

Focus Earth with Bob Woodruff
Network anchor Bob Woodruff hosts this news magazine which deals 100% with environmental and sustainable living issues.

Living with Ed
Humorous eco-reality show with actor, environmentalist, electric car enthusiast Ed Begley Jr. and his glam wife Rachelle in their green (as mandated by Ed) Studio City, Calif home. Their neighbor, Bill Nye, "the science guy" vies with Ed to be "king of green" with Jay Leno making frequent appearances along with other Hollywood stars.

Stuff Happens
Hosted by Bill Nye "the science guy", a comedic approach which shows the global repercussions of our daily habits and purchases.

Renovation Nation
Hosted by former This Old House's Steve Thomas. Steve travels around the country featuring homes that are green and eco-friendly with ideas and resources on new green building products and techniques.

G Word
Green News Magazine
Being green is no longer just for granola-loving hippies. It's a lifestyle, an attitude, a state-of-mind, and it's shaking up the pop-culture landscape. Forget what you think you know about what being green means and get ready for G Word.

Saving over 40% on energy bills while also increasing property value by 25% sounds impossible, but Greenovate shows viewers just how to make this lofty dream a reality in their own households.

FIT TV (channel 261) has:
Get Fresh with Sara Snow
Sara Redmond Snow hosts an all around natural living program running the gamut of organic gardening, eco-fashion, sustainable fisheries, raising chickens in the city, Ayurvedic medicine, herbs etc.

All the following programs are on WHYY 91FM


You Bet Your Garden with Mark McGrath
Every Saturday morning at 11 am
Excellent radio program about organic gardening with Rodale Press editor Mark McGrath who answers all your organic gardening questions.

You Bet Your Garden offers a podcast feed of the current show. http://www.whyy.org/rss/garden.xml

Living on Earth

Every Saturday morning at 6 am
Sound Journalism for the Planet; hosted by Steve Curwood
Living on Earth offers a podcast feed of the current show.

Humankind: Voices of Hope and Humanity

Every Saturday morning at 5:30 am
Subjects: Protecting Our Planet; Simplifying Our Lives; Social Conscience; Taking Care of Yourself (w/herbs, relaxation etc); Young Voices; Meaningful Media and much, much more.

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